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Papercut - Wildflowers of Israel (Version II)

Papercut - Wildflowers of Israel (Version II)


Regular price $325.00
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This design is based on wildflowers that naturally grow in the Land of Israel. The symmetrical nature of this design represents the pasuk: K'mayim hapanim lpanim, ken lev ha'adam l'adam ~ Just as one's face is reflected back when looking into the water, so too one person's heart is reflected in another (Mishlei 27:19).

Size - 34cm x 34 cm - Framing is NOT included.  

Material - Papercut, Canson paper mounted on a background

We are more than excited to offer you this stunning, magnificent, and elaborate collection of Ketubah hand-made by award-winning calligrapher, artist, and designer, Micol. 

Micol is a papercut artist and calligrapher who creates meaningful works of fine art and ketubah designs for clients all over the world.

Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Micol currently lives in Israel where she works from a home studio overlooking the beautiful and historic Judean Hills. Micol is continually inspired by the nature and beauty of the land.
As a visual artist, what Micol finds most rewarding is partnering with her clients to design one-of-a-kind papercut works of art that are both beautiful and deeply imbued with personal meaning. It is her mission to bring your vision to life.

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